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The Heart of Devanis Will Bleed and The Empire of Thal is Holding the Knife.

BECKONED: RECOURSE is a 36 page saddle-stitch fantasy comic suitable for a teen audience.
The fate of Tula'Banya beckons a Jiri father to protect the light of hope from being extinguished by the encroaching Denithite empire of Thal.

Thevenot Color Edition (Main A)

The 'Thevenot Color Edition' of BECKONED: RECOURSE is a 36 page full-color comic book featuring an intense saddle-stitch wrap cover. Debuting the first comic book created by Jeremy Thevenot, the interior pages are dense with
detail and packed with alluring color.

Front Cover
Wrap Cover

Front Cover
Enjeti Edition (Variant A)

The 'Enjeti Color Edition' of BECKONED: RECOURSE features the INCREDIBLE water-color cover, hand-painted by the talented
Shanth Enjeti.

Full Cover
Thevenot Greyscale Edition (Main B)

The 'Thevenot Greyscale Edition' of BECKONED: RECOURSE is a GREYSCALE version of the comic book, including the saddle-stitch wrap cover. Enjoy the darker tone of the interior pages
packed with dense with detail and lighting.

Wrap Cover
Front Cover

Front Cover
Catapano Edition (Variant B)

The 'Catapano Greyscale Edition' of BECKONED: RECOURSE (Variant-B) is another GREYSCALE version of the comic, featuring an action-packed Black & White cover by the acclaimed
Joe Catapano.

Full Cover


Raising a family in the tree dwelling of
Tula'Banya, Tapestro is a Loden Tuner training to become a Watcher of the Nightmare Eater. Following his father foot-steps, he will be tested to join their ranks inside the chamber where
his father lost his life.

A dedicated mother to her son Sarduje,
Eulifi manages Tula'Banya's seasonal Pyre Light Festival. She stays busy and when times get tough, her unrelenting strength shine
along her tenderness.

Sarphegan is a high-ranking Watcher who
raised his friend's fatherless son, shaping him into a skilled tuner and loving father. A century ago, Sarphegan helped a brave Jiri lead their people out of Thal and into Tula'Banya.

In the gnarled roots of Tula'Banya rests a
loden-child consumed by a parisitic growth called Denithite, which distorts the bodies and minds of its host. This loden-child appears to halt Denithite from spreading throughout
Tula'Banya, giving hope to the Jiri.

Morthis serves as head of the Watchers and governs all tuning activities inside the Denithite Chamber which infest the roots of the great tree, Tula'Banya. He is the liberator who brought the Jiri out of Thalian slavery and has watched
over them ever since,

As High-Tuners, the Watchers are charged to protect Tula'Banya and uncover the mysteries of a loden-child imprisoned in the Denithite-invested roots of the great tree, Using lodens to resonate with the Shell, the Watchers are scholars of Devanis' history and scientists of the
planet's loden magic.


Lodens are crystals growing throughout the planet, allowing sentient beings to perform magic and commune with the Loden's Song within the Shell.

Chime-cubes are used to train young
tuners how to use Loden magic, and are also an expression of the Jiri understand of advanced geometry manifested in their mastery
of primitive materials.

Tula"Banyan artisans have created these
special tools by using their particular methods passed down over the years. Made from a large Loden crystal, they are wrapped with sinew
and leather, and houses a Chrona
Loden within the pommel.

Loden Shard


Devanis Star Chart
Devanis Star Chart

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